The change of seasons causes an influx in people. It’s a natural interaction and reaction that the earth and humans have to coexist so closely with one another. I’ve noticed several people feeling symptoms of burnout, getting sick, and there are a number of reasons. Have you felt overwhelmed or burnt out recently or even now? Here are 8 things we can do to help ourselves along with some reasons we may all struggle with burnout, illness, or being easily overwhelmed right now.
Burnout is not just being overwhelmed. Burnout is long hours, too many tasks, inability to control the outcomes, and usually conflict with our values. It’s exacerbated by a lack of support and low self-care. Sometimes our self-care just can’t keep up with the stressors.
· Anxiety
· Headaches
· Sleep problems
· Quick to anger
· Loss of purpose
· Fatigue – Depression - Exhaustion
· Cynical and/or negative attitude
· Reduced performance and productivity
· Lack of motivation
· Detachment – Low commitment - Absenteeism
· Problems concentrating
· Gastrointestinal issues
· Colds, Flu, lowered immunity
· Muscle tension
1. Pandemic The past 2 years we have been surviving through a pandemic. Now, we are expected to get up and get ready for work/school, commute, attend for the day, and perform at the same expected level pre-Covid. For many of us this is a lot after 2 years of not having all of these expectations. It’s a big transition that we are getting used to again, so it can be overwhelming. It may also be a fast turnaround to get back to this ‘normal’, which can also be overwhelming. If we have kids, we are also leading them through this as well.
2. Stress is wearing on our immunity so there’s also been an uptick in Covid as well as illness. Our bodies have not been exposed to these germs as readily in 2 years, so with the mask mandates dropping, our bodies are getting sick again to build back up our immunities.
3. Weather Being in the Midwest, cold, snow and rain cannot go away fast enough. We crave warmth and much needed earthly sunshine! Therefore, I want to normalize these overwhelming feelings and possible burnout feelings for you.
4. Purpose We may be worn out with intense stress with little to no reward. We may feel trapped in an understimilating work or school environment, which feels monotonous and lacks purpose. We may also put so much time and effort into something that has caused us stress and anxiety that appears disproportionate to the rewards. However, we have reached burnout is valid. Now, what can each of us do about it to take care of ourselves?
Find purpose, have an impact, or make the world a better place.
Alter the environment to be more healthy, desired, and positive
Physical self care is also mental self care - Box breathing, exercise, stretching, massage, sleep, etc.
Evaluate work-life balance – Be authentic with yourself
Challenge yourself within reason - Set small goals and celebrate the small wins leading to bigger ones.
Control what you can. Focusing on things out of our control increases stress and anxiety.
Gentle socialization - Spend time with family/friends careful not overstimulating or overextending yourself. Don’t forget your “Me” time.
Stay positive – Turn negative statements into positives. Try to see the silver linings.
The hope is that we can recognize the signs before it becomes burnout. As we implement coping skills, the intensity and duration of symptoms should gradually decrease. If we are finding that the burnout is lasting more than 3-6 months without gradual improvement, it’s recommended to seek out a mental health professional to help us navigate to a healthier place. If we really want things to be different, we will push ourselves a bit outside our comfort zone toward change and do differently to help ourselves. Take care of yourself!