We have developed a process to access the flow state more readily for consistent peak performance. The Peak Performance Online Course gives us the materials to develop our own mental game plan(s) and adapt the process to anything in life.
By taking this class, we will be able to self-manage our emotions to decrease performance anxiety, increase confidence, and increase resilience. Here is a brief explanation of the 5 modules, and the process to consistent peak performance.
Module 1 teaches us the importance of the mind-body-energy connection. In order to think clearly, self-manage our emotions and our physical body, we must take control through our breathing. By breathing in certain ways we give our bodies the oxygen it needs to perform and focus on what we want. This also increases our awareness to realize what we want to change. We will also better understand the anatomy and physiology to support its vital importance to the process.
Everyone has heard of SMART goals, but now there are SMARTER goals. The “E” stands for evaluate and the “R” stands for revise. This allows for flexible thinking to go with the flow when changes occur or things don’t go the way we anticipated. Goals that stem from our values and give us purpose, increase intrinsic motivation. Creating small progressive goals increase motivation.
In this module we learn how to identify distorted thoughts, recognizing that we can change our thoughts to change our feelings, thus, changing our behavior/performance. Self-talk must come from each of us and be things that we believe. Our little voice is powerful because our mind is listening to what we say. We don’t realize that we can program our own brains like software to perform how we want. We learn how to self-coach and skills to redirect ourselves aka “take out the trash”. We also face things and learn the skills to have hard conversations with ourselves and others, set boundaries, and not feel guilty about it.
Dr. Carol Dweck’s book Mindset, termed “growth mindset” vs “fixed mindset”. This module teaches us how growth mindset is the key to resilience. Emotional intelligence has been researched for years and been continually proven to be the #1 predictor of one’s success. Module 4 will explain all the components of emotional intelligence so that we can take a time out from emotionally charged situations, to take a step back and view the situation more objectively, before putting ourselves back in our shoes to make a more well-informed decision aligned toward our goal and still considering the presences we need to go through to get there.
In module 5, we learn about the power of visualization. Visualization is one of the most effective skills at decreasing stress and anxiety while also enhancing performance. We learn about the specifics we need to perform successful visualization. All of the skills build up to this most powerful tool.
Purchase Peak Performance Online Course Today!
Check out the Olympian testimonials of the Peak Performance Course!
Interested in working the online course in a 6-week group with no more than 7 like-minded individuals?
(Endurance athlete group starts in mid-June - A few spots left!)
Interested in working the online course with 6 individual sessions to hone your mental game plan(s)?
***Peak Performance Online Course includes 3 self-assessments, 5 modules, a few pdf’s to help apply the psychological tools, and short video clips within each module to best explain the neuropsychological evidence and physiological evidence of the effectiveness of these psychological skills and mindsets. A brief history of where these terms all developed is reviewed. You own the course for life and can email me questions if needed.